Which vitamins are good for our skin

Vitamins and why are they good for you

Our skin and its health is directly affected by the vitamins and many of its problems, can be treated or prevented if we are taking the right ones in recommended amounts. Most of us are aware that their overall health is affected by the food, drinks, and supplement they are taking. Some are even aware that some vitamins have rejuvenating and healing powers when it comes to skin and hair.

Keep reading to find out which vitamins to take in order to improve your skin’s health.

To have a beautiful skin it’s not enough to only have a skincare routine. It is also important, to nurture it from the inside. The food we are eating influences directly our skin condition. Some vitamins absence or deficiency is immediately reflected on its appearance. Proven fact: vitamins are the main tool that protects the skin from aging and accelerates the regeneration of its cells. This is why a balanced diet and intake of vitamins keeps the skin healthy, soft and shiny. Also, a varied and healthy diet will help during transitional seasons, for example winter, when the skin is more vulnerable to certain vitamin deficiencies.


Which vitamins are important for the health and vitality of our skin?


–Omega 3 Fish Oil
The adoption of chlorophyll is extremely useful for the skin.

Chlorophyll stimulates the lymphatic system, eliminates puffiness, delivers more nutrients and oxygen to the skin and thus helps retaining its luster. Omega 3 has a really positive impact on our skin, as it supports a healthy inflammatory response. Fish and marine products contain large amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, so it might be a good idea to start implementing them in your diet more often.


–Vitamin C
Participant in the regulation of the processes of oxidation and carbohydrate metabolism in the skin.Vitamin C increases the protective properties of skin having anti-inflammatory and antiallergic action. In its absence however we can observe pale, dry skin and it may present subcutaneous pigments. Sources of vitamin C are all fruits and vegetables and the highest content is in lemons, kiwis, and strawberries.


–Vitamin A
 When the level is below normal, the skin becomes dry and starts to peel.

Creams containing vitamin A visibly reduce wrinkles and acne, and a regular daily intake can prevent, or improve existing psoriasis. It also increases the activity of the epidermal cells, through which they begin to produce collagen resulting in more elastic skin. Foods rich in vitamin A are both animal and plant products – eggs, liver, milk, fish oil, apples, peaches, apricots, plum, carrot, pumpkin, red peppers, tomatoes and most citrus.


Actively involved in the metabolism of the skin and has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic action. It also quickens and helps the healing and regenerative processes in the skin. Found in large amounts in the beans.


–Vitamin D
It is synthesized in the subcutaneous layer of the skin thanks to sunlight, and is very important for the skin. Commonly used in the treatment of various skin diseases, inflammation, allergies, and eczema. Vitamin D is synthesized by the organism itself, but may also be obtained from fish, butter, egg yolk, and liver.


–Vitamin F
Involved in lipid metabolism of the skin and prevents it from peeling. However if there is insufficient vitamin F, the
skin will become dry and start to peel. It also affects the hair, thinning it and causing dandruff to appear. Nourishing creams contain Vitamin F for elasticity and skin rejuvenation. Natural sources of this vitamin are different types of essential fatty acids, soybean, safflower and corn oils, nuts, and seeds.


Collagen production, skin regeneration acceleration and care for normal pigmentation is how Zinc is affecting our body. However, in case of zinc deficiency, the skin becomes dry and sensitive, wrinkle and spots might appear as well. Most commonly found in poultry, eggs, liver, legumes, and others.


Do you take any of this vitamins and if the answer is yes, please share with us your observation in the comment box!

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