How to get rid of stretch marks

Unfortunately, there is no woman who hasn’t been intrigued by the problem of stretch marks.
They can occur as early as puberty, the period of growth and accumulation of fatty tissue.
Most often, however, they appear in pregnancy and abrupt changes in weight,
and also as a result of hormonal disorders, chronic diseases that lead to a sharp gain.
Elasticity is a property of skin, which is crucial for its proper functioning.
Thanks to the elasticity, the skin can be stretched, if necessary, and then regain its usual form again.
Sometimes, during such stretch, if the dermis, especially the collagen fibers stretch too much, it might encounter breaks
in separate sections in it and consequently forming these deep, oblong scars we call stretch marks.
The formation of the stretch marks our skin becomes thin and initially pink in color. Soon form pink or purple lines (new stretch marks).
Over time, they lighten and become white or acquire skin color.
Unfortunately regarding their removal, at this stage, there is no method or way that gives 100% efficiency.
However, there are options and tips you can follow to improve the type and condition of these unpleasant sunken white stripes on the skin.


Treatment for the skin
The first steps towards relief and treatment of stretch marks are the healing of the skin.
Aloe Vera can be your ally in this beauty fight. You can prepare the following mixture –

half cup aloe
half cup olive oil
1 tablespoon oil with vitamin A
2 tablespoons oil with vitamin E.

Gently massage the problem areas with the solution. Such procedure heals the skin and makes it soft and supple.


Egg white mask against stretch marks
It is believed that the protein in the egg protein is absorbed by the cells of traumatized skin with stretch marks and helps restart the recovery.  Experts advise spreading a thin layer of crude protein on stretch marks 2-3 times a day.
The protein forms a thin film, which tightens the skin when the texture is drying out.
When you feel the characteristic tension, wash the egg white with cool water and apply a moisturizing cream.


Exfoliate the Skin
Peeling off dead cells makes stretch marks less noticeable, but also activates the metabolic processes in
the skin that appears effective aid in the treatment of skin stretch marks. Do your own exfoliate using this
simple ingredients:

1 tablespoon raw sugar
a little almond oil
a few drops of lemon juice

Mix well and rub gently for several minutes the affected by stretch marks areas. Then rinse.
After several weeks of treatments, you will see that stretch marks are starting to become thinner and inconspicuous.
Natural white sugar is a great way to get rid of stretch marks.
It is a good exfoliant that makes the skin smooth and beautiful.
Twice a week is enough to make exfoliating procedures obtain quick results.


Lemon juice against stretch marks
The natural acids in the lemon juice can help fade stretch marks.
Rub with lemon juice on the affected areas and wait about 10 minutes before rinsing it.


Olive Oil against stretch marks
Applying olive oil could help prevent stretch marks.
Olive oil contains vitamin E, A and D which has restorative properties of the skin and tissues.
It can also soften the skin and deliver more elasticity to it.
Apply it gently onto the stretch mark and let the skin absorb it.


Grapes against stretch marks
Grape seed extract is one of the best moisturizers for the skin.
The polyphenols in its composition protect elastic fibers and stimulate collagen production.
Rub the inside of the grapes in the skin and let it stay as a mask for around 25 minutes.
Rinse with lukewarm water.


Coffee grounds against stretch marks
Caffeine has soothing and stimulating circulation effect, which improves skin elasticity and only a few weeks
visible stretch marks begin to disappear.
Make a paste of coffee grounds and hot water and rub into the skin for about 5 minutes.
Then wrap the area with a cloth and allow to stand for 30 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains 90% raw saturated fat – something very useful for maintaining elasticity.
It elasticity protects the skin from signs of tearing what are essentially stretch marks.
Apply the coconut oil directly to the affected areas. After a few weeks, you will notice the results.


Stretch marks are among the most common skin imperfections for women all over the world.
Be persistent, follow this steps and you will notice the results within 2 to 3 weeks.
Do you have any secret weapon against stretch mark? Please share your opinion in the comments below

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