How to get glowing skin

Millions of words are written every year in various magazines and social media sites
about how to have a glowing skin.
Each one of us has tried and kept on trying to achieve that goal, but it does not always have the desired effect.
Today we will present to you seven important tips that will really help you to have the radiant skin that you
always dreamed of.


1. Herbal steaming bath
In a saucepan with water, bring to boil thyme, pepper, mint, and lemon.
You can add lime or chamomile if your skin is dry or sensitive.
Once the water boils, take away the pan from the heat, slung a towel over your head and put your face over the steam.
Make sure it is not too hot! It’s better to leave the mixture to cool down a bit for a couple of minutes.
This will remove all the dirt and dead skin cells and unclog pores. After the treatment,
put on your face for 10 minutes in previously cooled in the chamber clean cloth.
This will cool the skin and close the pores. The result is smooth and soft baby skin.


2. Add avocado to your diet
The most useful fruit for glowing skin is avocado. It is rich in monounsaturated fats, minerals, vitamins A, C, and E,
which prevent drying of the skin.
Since avocados contain more protein than other fruit, it helps to release toxins from the body.


3. Drink enough water
If you are dehydrated, it will definitely reflect badly on your skin.
Dehydration reduces blood flow to the skin, which makes you look quite pale.
For most of us, dehydration is a simple problem that we can easily fix, as we reach for a glass of water,
but scientists say it is much more serious than that.
Prolonged lack of water can lead to permanent damage to the skin.
Dehydration of the dermis (the layer below the epidermis) for example, may lead to deep wrinkles as well as sagging skin. Your face may appear dry and dehydrated, making you will look tired.


4. Always remove your makeup
One of the most common bad habits of a large number of women is that they go to bed with their makeup on.
Cleaning your face in the evening is extremely important and beneficial for your skin.
Do not neglect this part of your everyday routine, otherwise, it will inevitably affect the beauty of your skin.
According to experts, every night spent with foundation or any makeup ages your skin.
If you do not maintain good hygiene of your skin, it is very likely to occur pimples or spots on it.
It is important to dispose of all traces of makeup – foundation, blush, mascara, eyeshadows and so on.

5. Get enough sleep
Anything that keeps you awake longer at night – worries, anxieties, stress is a pest of radiant skin.
Sleep is the time to restore the body. This is the point at which the cells and your skin recover and regenerate.
If it is too short or missing, they cannot function optimally, and it immediately shows in the dark circles under the
eyes, and in the pale scaly skin. So there’s another reason that night to go to bed a little earlier.


6. Rose water – the elixir for the skin
Rose water beauty forces have been known for centuries because it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that gentle care for     sensitive skin and relieve inflammation and redness.
Rose nourishes the skin in depth, making it smooth, soft and radiant.
Rose water simultaneously control and balance the sebum production and that makes it universal cleaner,
suitable for dry and oily skin. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, rose water can also fight acne, it hydrates and maintains the pH balance of the dry and sensitive skin.


7. DIY homemade mask
There are so many face mask recipes for you to try at home.
They are easy to make, also contain all natural ingredients that help the skin to be healthy and radiant.
Here is one amazing facial mask example.
This mask is particularly suitable for dry and aging of the skin and withered. It strengthens and nourishes dehydrated skin:

• 1 teaspoon honey
• 1 teaspoon coconut oil – a powerful moisturizer with extremely nourishing properties dry and scaly skin
• ¼ avocado – rich in healthy fats and vitamin E, avocado is a real elixir for dry skin

Mix the ingredients and apply with gentle circular motion with the tips of your fingers to the face and neck,
and be careful not to affect the eye area. After 20-30 minutes rinse with warm, then – with cold water.
Your skin will become soft and radiant!


Everyone wants to have a flawless and healthy skin, but we often forget to make an effort to achieve this goal.
Make little changes in your daily beauty routine and shortly you will notice your skin improvements.


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