COENZYME Q-10 and why do we need it

Each cell in our body needs energy to live. This energy is formed by the burning of carbohydrates and fats. Unfortunately, this process always generates free radicals that damage our cells and promote aging. Coenzyme Q10 occurs naturally in all human cells, but it levels slowly began to decline after the age of 20-25 years. When the levels are low, usually it is associated with the development of many serious diseases in the body.


Symptoms of deficiency include heart failure, high blood pressure and constant pain in the chest. Regardless of the reasons for the occurred deficit,  Q10 intake can be extremely effective and useful for our health.

It is estimated that the daily intake of dietary supplement Coenzyme Q10 will significantly change our lives and will reward us with a number of health benefits. Coenzyme Q10 can be provided through the consumption of mackerel, sardines, salmon, tuna, whole grains, beef and pig hearts, soybeans, olive and canola oil.


-Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant

First of all coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants help the body purify by free radicals. Free radicals can consider the substances causing rust in the body. They cause oxidation of the tissues, leading to inflammation. Inflammations are harbingers of some serious health problems. Free radicals are responsible for many of the aging process in the body.


-In heart failure

Early studies indicate that coenzyme Q10 can be effective in the case of chronic heart failure. Even low levels in the body have been associated with this condition. Coenzyme Q10 was used in combination with other herbs and supplements to combat heart failure.

-Help battle the aging process

Coenzyme Q10 stimulates the natural functions of the skin and increases its own capacity for self-renewal. It reduces the size of wrinkles, preventing the appearance of new and restores skin elasticity. Unfortunately, after the age of 30, the amount of this coenzyme is then gradually reduced, leading to natural degenerative changes in the body. In a word – Ageing. The most visible changes are on our skin – the reduction of coenzyme Q10 leads to an insufficient formation of collagen, which causes the loss of skin elasticity and wrinkles.


-Fights breast cancer

Low levels of coenzyme Q10 may be associated with risk of breast cancer. There is a relatively promising evidence in support of the use of coenzyme Q10 in the treatment of breast cancer in combination with conventional therapy.  It can help predict the risk of developing cancer – establishes a study in subjects who have significantly lower levels of coenzyme Q10 and have cancer compared to those who are not diseased and have normal levels.

The daily amount of coenzyme Q10, which the body of an adult needs between is 30 and 200 mg. Supplementation in the form of dietary supplements is not recommended for people under 18 unless they need a treatment for specific medical conditions and after consulting a doctor. Of course, Coenzyme Q10 is added in many cosmetic anti-age products, and the effect was more energized skin, protection against premature aging, stimulated cell activity, collagen production and protects against free radicals.


Do you take Coenzyme q10 regularly? Can you notice it benefits? Please share your experience in the comments below!

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