How colors affect our mood

Have you ever wondered why a person buys clothes in bright colors, and another – in the dark?

Why do you feel uncomfortable to be in a room with red walls and feel much better in a room with blue walls?
In fact, these preferences are not random. Science has proven that our surrounding colors affect our mood and health.
More than half a century Swiss psychologist Lusher has developed a method of diagnosing a color that made him famous.
This method can determine the mental state of a person at a given time.
The test is very simple! Eight squares of different colors should be arranged on the principle of “like it- don’t like it” from the most pleasant to most unpleasant.

The four main colors in the palette define a person’s character: dark blue, orange-red and pale yellow, and four additional colors (black, gray, brown and violet) give information about their current mood.


Treatment with colors (chromotherapy) is quite popular today. The impact of color on the body and nervous system has several proven facts -for example, the red part of the spectrum associated with excitement and warm and blue one with calm and cool.
According to psychologists, if a man is tired of one color, he subconsciously seeks contact with the opposite one. And this leads to a change in his condition.  So the color red always affects the physical condition, yellow – the mental and blue – the emotional.

Purple color increases intellectual activity, but it can be quite dangerous – overuse leads to a depressive state. Therefore it is not recommended to paint large surfaces at home with it, especially in the nursery – the psyche of the child is too fragile.

-Observations indicate that the dark blue color lowers blood pressure and relieves pain. He has a positive influence on the spinal column, and because of its analgesic effect is applied in the treatment of migraine attacks and inflammations.
For example, some psychologists recommend it to people who suffer from hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases.

Light blue calms. The measure is very important here – If you residence to long in “blue atmosphere”, it
creates a sense of lack of space and the resulting poor mood.

Green has a favorable effect on the heart and pain relief. It is defined as a logical color of nature and life energy.
Green is the color of balance, harmony, and growth. It renews and restores depleted energy, and it is a natural peacemaker.


Yellow is associated with the warm sun. It is a kind of mental stimulus. So if you feel cold, you can wear clothes in that color. According to Eastern tradition, yellow color affects positively the solar plexus and everything associated with it: liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, improves eyesight and skin tone. It’s the color of happiness, and optimism, of enlightenment and creativity, the sunshine, summer, and spring.

-The vivid orange color is associated with fire. This color radiates warmth and happiness orange
is so optimistic and uplifting that we should all find ways to use it in our everyday life, even if it is just an orange colored pen that we use.

-The red color brings a sense of warmth. Psychologists connect it with the faster treatment of many diseases but
warned that it should not overdo it because it can provoke the exacerbation of chronic diseases.
If you suffer from low blood pressure (hypotension), the red color is highly recommended – it is associated with heat and blood pressure rise. Accordingly, it is not recommended for hypertensive patients.
From a psychological point of view, the color red increases the excitement and therefore recommended for problems in sexual life.
This color is a warm and positive color associated with our most physical needs and our will to survive.
It exudes a strong and powerful masculine energy.



What is your wall painting and how does the color affect you? Please share your experience in the comments below!

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